What should I do & How to Report
- Go to a safe place. If you fear for your safety, call the police (911) immediately, especially if the assailant is nearby.
- Seek emotional care and support. Call a trusted person to whom you feel you can talk to about the situation.
- Get medical attention as soon as possible to assess and treat any physical injuries and to collect evidence of the assault.
- Help preserve evidence. You do not have to decide immediately whether or not you want to pursue a criminal complaint. Collecting evidence immediately following an assault will be helpful if you decide to press charges later.
- Consider reporting the assault to the campus or Title IX Coordinator and/ or the police.
Submitting a Title IX Complaint
Please see your options for reporting Title IX violations below. All reporting options, except for those listed under “confidential complaints” will prompt an investigation by the institution.
A complaint must ordinarily be filed within 180 days of the last act of harassment or discrimination. If your complaint involves matters that occurred longer ago than this, you will be asked to show good cause why you did not file your complaint within the 180-day period. Filing after the 180-day period does not necessarily relieve the District of its obligation to investigate.
FCC Title IX Reporting Form
Please note that these reports may prompt a need for the College to conduct an investigation.
Criminal Complaints and Reports
SCCCD Police Department
1940 N. Calaveras
Fresno, CA 93704
9-1-1 (Emergency on/off campus)
559-244-5911 (Non-Emergency)
Ext. 5911 from any campus phone
Fresno City Police Department
3502 N. Blackstone Avenue
Fresno, CA 93726
Police Contacts
559-621-7000 (Non-Emergency)
9-1-1 (Emergency on/off campus)
Clovis Police Department
1233 5th St.
Clovis, CA 93612
Please call or visit the Clovis Police Department and ask for a complaint form.
A complaint form can be obtained in any of the following ways:
- You can contact us at 559-324-2400 and we will send you a form via regular mail.
- We can email you a complaint form you can print, fill out and mail to the department (you will need Adobe reader).
- Or you can come into the department and ask for a form at the front counter between the hours of 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
Confidential Complaints and Reports
Student Reports
Psychological Service Center Coordinator
Dr. Samuel Montano
Employee Reports
Employees on the District’s Health Insurance Plan:
Halcyon Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
24-hour service
559-751-0015 or 888-425-4800
User Name: edcare
*Employees not on the District’s Health Insurance Plan, please see contacts in “Additional Resources and Information” section below.
Report to the Title IX Coordinator
District Title IX Coordinator:
James Young
1171 N. Fulton Street
Fresno, CA 93721
FCC Deputy Title IX Coordinator:
Gladdey Donsanouphit, J.D.
1101 East University Ave
Fresno, CA 93741