Construction Program
The construction curriculum is designed to offer you technical and hands-on training which will prepare you for entry into the construction industry. You will build residential structures on and off campus. You will receive instruction in residential construction with an emphasis on quality construction.
Through hands-on training, successful completion enables you to enter into the construction industry as an advanced apprentice with masonry, framing, roofing, plumbing, and/or electrical skills. Throughout the program, you prepare for the California Residential Code certification and may take NCCER industry certifications.
Learn about our programs
Construction Program Overview (0:48)
Construction Programs (3:23)
- Construction Trades I Certificate of Achievement (CA)
- Construction Trades II Certificate of Achievement (CA)
To learn more about Construction program and courses, contact an Applied Technology counselor.
Call 559-442-8273 or schedule schedule a counseling appointment with our Tech & Trades Pathway counselors.
Counselors are available in the Applied Technology Division Office to assist students with creating a Student Education Plan.
To see recommended courses, see the Catalog. To see upcoming schedule of classes, see the Schedule of Classes.
Tuition for the California Community College system is $46 per unit.
A student will have the option of choosing one out of three certificates of achievement available within the Construction program:
1. Construction Trades I - Major #8092 - Certificate of Achievement
a. Courses include:2. Construction Trades II - Major #8091 - Certificate of Achievement
a. Courses include:Financial Aid, if available to the student, can cover tuition. Review our Financial Aid website for further information.
Textbooks for this program range depending on the certificate, but an approximation would be:
1. Construction Trades I = $243.50
a. CONS-50:
$93.50 Carpentry Fundamentals Lvl 1 (FCC Bookstore)
b. CONS-51 & CONS-53:
$150.00 Modern Carpentry ISBN:9781645646600 (FCC Bookstore)
2. Construction Trades II = $775.18
a. ARCH-2 & ARCH-22:
$125.00 Professional Practice of Architectural Working Drawings ISBN: 9780470618158 (FCC Bookstore)
b. AT-21:
$108.71 Safety & Health for Engineers ISBN:9781118959459 (FCC Bookstore)
c. CONS-50:
$95.50 Carpentry Fundamentals Lvl 1 ISBN: 9780133402377 (FCC Bookstore)
d. Cons-51 & CONS-53:
$150.00 Modern Carpentry ISBN:9781645646600 (FCC Bookstore)
e. CONS-175A & CONS-175B:
$158.52 Electrical Wiring Residential ISBN: 9780357425770 (Amazon.com)
f. ARCH-21:
$97.50 Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and Methods 7th Edition ISBN-13: 978-1119446194 (Amazon.com)
g. CONS-55:
$39.95 Roof Framing ISBN:9780896062870 & Roof Framer’s Bible ISBN: 9780964335431 (FCC Bookstore)
A. Required Fees:
- Health fee ($21 per semester, $13 if off campus/online per semester)
- Associated Student Body fee ($2 per semester, but opportunity to waive the fee at time of registration if the student so chooses)
- Material fees for students are not required
Optional fees:
- Parking pass ($30 per semester)
- Fall 2022 semester: Parking is waived
- Spring 2023 semester: Parking is waived
- Student ID Card ($5)
B. Some courses require additional materials fee for the following courses:
* Cost for required materials/equipment - must be purchased by the end of the first week
Some Courses require additional materials what will be required or recommended to ensure that you are successful in the program.
C. Vendor Recommendations:
Each Construction certificate requires all students to have their materials prepared and purchased by the second week of classes. The following vendors are some examples where students may be able to purchase materials.
- Handheld tools:
- Home Depot, Lowes, Fresno AG, Cherry Auction / any swap meet
- Tools may also be borrowed from family members or friends. There is no specific brand of hand tool that is required, it is important that the tool works well to perform task. Instructors will provide a review of the materials during your first week of classes.
- Power tools:
- Will be provided by the school, but students may bring their own.
- Dress attire:
- Work boots are suggested as projects are done outside: $29.98 - $64.98
- Walmart, Work World, Boot Barn, Ariat (Fig Garden)
- Work boots are suggested as projects are done outside: $29.98 - $64.98
Total Estimated for fees and materials: $236.33 - $350.22
D. Technology Requirements:
- A Dell Precision laptop (or equivalent) or Desktop (8 GB and 500 GB storage) with Microsoft Windows 10 Operating Systems:
- Windows 10
- Mac: MacOS 10.12 and above, must be able to run Windows 10 or above
- iOS: 11.0 and above (iPad only) Must have a compatible LMS integration
- Memory:
- Windows: 75 MB permanent space on the hard drive
- Mac: 120 MB permanent space on the hard drive
- Additional Equipment:
- High Speed Internet
- Mouse with mouse wheel
- A cloud-based file storage platform, such as iCloud, Google Drive, DropBox, or similar
Fresno City Library offers the opportunity for students to use the computer lab or to check out a laptop if available. For additional information and hours of operations.
A student can pay in one or a combination of ways:
- Pay in person: Fee Payments or Tuition, Business office Holds, Refunds/Fee Reversals, Financial Aid Payments/Repayments, Billing, Parking Permits
- Business Office: Location OAB 151A (Old Administration Building)
- Pay online (directly using a credit card): You may pay online in Self-Service or follow the steps about making a payment.
- through a grant (review our Financial Aid website for grant information)
- or with a scholarship or fee waiver through partner programs such as California's Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) which provides employment training resources for adults and dislocated workers. For more information about how to qualify for ETPL.
The Construction certificates have the potential for entry-level and mid-level job placement as a Construction Laborer, First-Line Supervisory of Construction Trades, Construction and Building Inspector, Carpenter, or Residential Electrician. A potential resource for investigating jobs in the Construction field is: O*Net Online or Career Coach.
Yes! The Construction certificate is stackable — the units count — toward the Construction Trades III Certificate of Achievement and/or an associate degree in Construction or can be used as undergraduate coursework toward the transferring to a 4-year institution of higher education.
The Construction certificate is a “stackable” certificate meaning that your successful completion of this certificate can be used to apply for additional construction-related certificates and/or the Construction associate degree.
The Construction certificate is a “stackable” certificate meaning that your successful completion of this certificate can be used as valuable training in conjunction with other construction-related certificates such as Architecture, Electrical, and Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning programs. If cross-training is not of interest, these courses in the Construction certificate are applicable to both the Construction and the Industrial Technology associate degree as well as transfer potential for an Industrial Technology, Construction Management, or Architecture bachelor’s degree at Fresno State. When the student applies for a bachelor’s degree program, the 4-year institution of higher education would make the decision as to which courses are fully transferable. Consult with a college counselor in order to discuss these opportunities.
This Construction program uses the same registration system as all California Community Colleges. A student must apply through CCCApply, if not already a California Community College student, in order to receive a student identification number. Once you have a student identification number, we can arrange for a counselor appointment to discuss the program and/or assist with registration through Self Service.
Information to FCC Apply Now (Admissions & Aid)
Each Construction certificate is designed to deliver 2-6 courses per semester for a total of 13-19.5 units, over a period of eighteen weeks for each course. Typical this can occur over a two-semester period for Construction Trades I & II.
The Construction certificates do not have any third-party industry certifications associated with this program but will assist you in preparing for industry certifications associated with this program (OSHA-10 and 30, NCCER, ICC, General Contractor License, Building Inspector). Students are responsible for any desired Professional Industry Exams. Some examples are listed below:
OSHA-10 certification fee $70
OSHA-30 certification fee $150
NCCER test fee $1,400
ICC voucher fee $115
General Contractor’s License fee $1,200
Building Inspector examination/certification fee $219
The fees listed above are estimated and are subject to change
The Construction certificate instructor(s) can assist with job placement opportunities. In the second semester you could choose to take a course, AT-19, for a paid or unpaid work experience to build your resume and begin working in your field of study.