
Fresno City College Receives Full Accreditation

Fresno City College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges ( ACCJC), Western Association of Schools and Colleges ( WASC), 10 Commercial Blvd., Suite 204, Novato, CA 94949, 415.506.0234, an institutional accrediting body recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and the U.S. Department of Education. Additional information about accreditation, including the filing of complaints against member institutions, can be found at:

Accreditation is an ongoing review process designed to promote educational quality and ensure that the college is fulfilling its institutional mission. Colleges evaluate their performance relative to standards established by the ACCJC. The process is intended to encourage self-reflection and improvement.

On June 13, 2018, Fresno City College received good news from the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC), reaffirming the college’s accreditation for seven years. Please see the links below to view the action letter, evaluation report and other supporting documents regarding ACCJC.

If you have questions please email

Certificate of Accreditation

2024 Institutional Self Evaluation Process

The 2024 Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER) will submitted in August 2024 to ACCJC in support of an Application for Reaffirmation of Accreditation. The Institutional Self-Evaluation Report reflects the nature and substance of FCC, as well as its best efforts to align with the new 2024 ACCJC Standards and policies, and is being developed with appropriate participation and review by the campus community.

The college community and public may use the ACCJC Third Party Comment Form to provide comments to ACCJC concerning the institution's ability to meet the Standards. 


Under the leadership of College Council the Accreditation Task Force provided oversight of the initial draft writing. Teams that included faculty, classified professionals, and administrators were assigned to the four standards and worked to create drafts in preparation for the feedback and review process. 


In fall 2023 announcements were made by email and at meetings of Academic Senate, Associated Student Government, and Classified Senate seeking feedback on draft ISER documents. An Open Forum was announced by email and held in October 2023 to inform the college community of the process and seek feedback.  Links to online forms were provided and feedback was collected throughout the fall semester. Revisions were made based on the initial feedback in preparation for the final review process.

Spring 2024 provided opportunities in January and February for final feedback from the college community and specifically from Academic Senate, Associated Student Government, and Classified Senate. Final revisions will be made and constituency groups will receive the final 2024 ISER for vote and approval in March and April. The SCCCD Board of Trustees will receive the final document for vote and approval in May and June. The approved 2024 ISER will be submitted to ACCJC in August 2024.


In fall 2024 a Peer Review Team assigned by ACCJC will conduct a comprehensive peer review process of the FCC 2024 ISER and document the findings in the Core Inquiries Report. The Core Inquiries Report summarizes areas or topics where the Peer Review Team would like clarification, expansion, or additional evidence and establishes the primary lines of inquiry for the focused site visit. 

The Peer Review Team will conduct a focused site visit in spring 2025. Follwing the visit the college will receive a Peer Review Team Report that documents the findings of the Peer Review Team during the comprehensive review process, contains recommendations to the Commission regarding the institution’s alignment with Standards, and provides suggestions and observations to support the institution’s
continuous quality improvement efforts.


Fiscal Report

2022 Annual Fiscal Report
2021 Annual Fiscal Report
2020 Annual Fiscal Report

2019 Annual Fiscal Report
2018 Annual Fiscal Report

Midterm Report

2021 Midterm Report
2022 ACCJC Action Letter

The following drop down sections include information on program accreditation, complaint process, and 2011 accreditation process.

Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Program

The ADN program is approved by the State of California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN), a division of the California Department of Consumer Affairs and the Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc.

Commission for Education in Nursing Board of Registered Nursing (BRN)
P.O. Box 944210
Sacramento, CA 94244-2100
(916) 322-3350

Dental Hygiene Program

The Dental Hygiene program is accredited by the American Dental Association, Commission on Dental Accreditation and by the Board of Dental Examiners, a division of the California Department of Consumer Affairs.

American Dental Association Commission on Dental Accreditation
211 Chicago Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611-2678
(800) 621-8099

Police Academy

The Police Academy and Peace Officer Training Courses are certified under the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST). All Corrections and Probation Courses are certified by the Standards and Training for Corrections (STC).

Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training
860 Stillwater Road, Suite 100
West Sacramento, CA 95605
(916) 227-3909

Radiologic Technology Program

The Radiologic Technology program is approved by the California Department of Public Health, Radiologic Health Branch, and accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology.

California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Radiologic Health Branch (RHB)
P.O. Box 997414, MS 7610
Sacramento, CA 95899
(916) 558-1784

Joint Review Commission on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCRT)
20 N. Wacker Drive, Suite 2850
Chicago, IL 60606-3182
(312) 704-5300

Respiratory Care Practitioner Program

The Respiratory Care Practitioner program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC).

Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC)
1248 Harwood Road
Bedford, TX 76021-4244
Phone: 1-817-283-2835


Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges Complaint Process

Complaints against Member Institutions

Students and members of the public who desire to file a formal complaint to the Commission about one of its member institutions should become familiar with the requirements for doing so prior to contacting the Commission. Following is the Commission’s Policy on Student and Public Complaints Against Institutions which will explains the issues the Commission can address through its complaint process and the procedures for filing a complaint. Go to Complaint Process.

The Policy on Student and Public Complaints Against Institutions may be found at: Student and Public Complaints Against Institutions

The complaint form may be found at Complaints against member institutions .

Complaints against the Commission

Individuals who wish to file a formal complaint to the Commission about the ACCJC should become familiar with the requirements for doing so prior to contacting the Commission. Following is the Commission’s Policy on Complaints Against the ACCJC which explains the issues the Commission can address through its complaint process and the procedures for filing a complaint. Go to Complaint Process.

The Policy on Complaints Against the ACCJC may be found at: Policy on Review Complaints Against the ACCJC (Rev-Sept-2016).

The complaint form may be found at Complaints against the ACCJC .