Volunteer at the Ram Pantry


Please Read

 Send an email to Ram Pantry for any questions or concerns.


Non-Student and Student Volunteers

The Ram Pantry utilizes non-student and currently enrolled student volunteers to assist with distribution during open hours at the Ram Pantry. Volunteers will assist with stocking shelves, bagging student’s groceries, and other duties. Volunteers are also able to volunteer with the Ram Pantry during times we are closed.

Faculty/Staff Volunteers

If you would like to volunteer with the Ram Pantry (no packet required) just email: The Ram Pantry

Volunteers must fulfill ALL requirements prior to any volunteer service at the Ram Pantry. 



Volunteers must abide by ALL the guidelines to volunteer for any shift.

  1. Dress in appropriate attire:
    • Closed toed shoes
    • Pants (no shorts allowed)
  2. Commit to at least one hour per shift.
  3. Sign-in and out of your shift for full credit (if required).