Deep Earth (2021)

Deep Earth

October 29—December 10, 2021

 Christel Dillbohner and Antoinette LaFarge

Deep Earth is a set of collaborative drawings, prints, and artist’s books by the artists Christel Dillbohner and Antoinette LaFarge. These works focus on our neglected relationship with what the artists term ‘deep earth’: the many levels of physical geography and its transformations—pits and mines, infrastructure and land development, maps and other traces—that shape history and culture. For this project, Dillbohner and LaFarge were inspired by the geography of Fresno and surrounding areas of the Central Valley.

As part of this exhibition, the artists will be working with Fresno City College students in the gallery itself to create a large new collaborative work on paper. The completed work will be included in the exhibition. There will also be an artist’s talk about collaborative drawing as a practice.