Services Offered

CalWORKs offers a variety of services to help you complete your education and training successfully at Fresno City College.



  • Learn about the CalWORKs program, services available, and student expectations
  • Receive information about the different educational/vocational programs available
  • Meet a Job Specialist that will review WTW guidelines and regulations. Have an opportunity to ask questions
  • Be given assistance with the Fresno City College online admissions application
  • Get information on financial aid, EOPS/CARE, Federal and CalWORKs Work-Study, and campus resources
  • Schedule an appointment to meet with a CalWORKs counselor for assistance with your Student Education Plan and registration for classes
  • Learn about priority registration
  • Important Academic Calendar dates

Books and Supplies

To receive books or supplies please contact your County Job Specialist. 

Textbook prices can be obtained at the online FCC Bookstore

Child Care

CalWORKs will provide you with child care services. You must arrange child care when meeting with your Job Specialist.


  • A flat rate of $48.00 will be issued every month if you live within city limits.
  • If you use public transportation, a bus pass will be given to you on a monthly basis.
  • If you live outside of city limits, you will be eligible for mileage reimbursement. You will be required to submit a log (obtained through your Job Specialist) of the miles traveled and submit it to your Job Specialist every month.

Parking Permits

  • If you use your own vehicle and attend Fresno City College main campus, you may purchase a student parking permit and receive a reimbursement.
  • For reimbursement, you will need to submit your receipt to your Job Specialist.


CalWORKs offers a laptop and hotspot lending program to eligible students, while supplies last. In addition, we offer free backpacks for students once a year.

Each case is reviewed on a case by case basis. If you need any additional assistance, please see your Job Specialist.

For continued CalWORKs Eligibility

  • Grades: Maintain satisfactory progress in all classes. This means receiving a "C" or better in each class (*Note: After 2 failed semesters, you may become ineligible for further services)
  • Meet your required weekly hours according to your WTW plan
  • Meet with your Job Specialist regularly
  • Meet with a CalWORKs counselor at least twice a semester