
You are Eligible to register for classes at Fresno City College if:

  • You have an active application in with Fresno City College, or you have an active application in with another college in the State Center Community College District (Reedley College, Clovis Community College).
  • You have NO Registration Holds
  • You have NO Academic Holds
  • You are in good financial standing and have NO Business Office Holds
  • It is on or after your assigned Registration Date

Student Types

New Student - You have never attended any college.

Transfer Student - You have previously attended college, but have never attended Fresno City College or any other campus in the State Center Community College District (SCCCD).

Returning Student - If you have previously attended Fresno City College or any other campus in the State Center Community College District (SCCCD) and have missed more than one semester.

Continuing Student - If you are registered in classes at Fresno City college, or at any other Campus in the State Center Community College District (SCCCD) during the semester prior to the one for which you wish to register.

Registration Dates

Finding Registration Status

The date can be found on WebAdvisor (access through MyPortal) under Registration Eligibility Information at the top of the left hand column on your WebAdvisor Student Menu.

Registration Eligibility Info link

Your assigned date can also be found in your Registration Email that is sent to your student email (@my.scccd.edu). If you have not yet set up your email, please do so immediately. All official notices about your Registration, Waitlists, Fees due and Financial Aid will be sent only there. Activate your free email.

While you can register on any day On or After your assigned registration date, we highly encourage you to register on that date to ensure you have the best possible selection of classes.

High School Enrichment Program Students – Students may only register during the Late Registration period with a "Student Add Authorization" label for on-campus classes or an emailed "Authorization Code" from the instructor for online classes.

Checking Registration Status

Priority Students - Those in special programs with specific academic needs (such as DSP&S, Veterans, EOP&S, Honors, and Student Athletes) who are fully matriculated and in Good Standing. Those in this category are assigned dates at the beginning of the registration period.

New and Continuing Students - Those who are fully matriculated and in Good Standing are assigned a registration date based on a formula that takes into account how many units the student has completed at SCCCD campuses and their GPA. Having more units does not necessarily mean an earlier registration date due to new State Regulations effective in 2014.

Transfer and Returning Students - Those who are fully matriculated and in Good Standing are next in line for registration.

Other Students - Those from the above categories who are not fully matriculated or are not in Good Standing begin registration during Open Registration.

Registration Status A2

In the above example, Sam's registration dates are during open enrollment even though he is part of the EOP&S program. This is because Sam is not in Good Standing as he has a Academic Hold.

Registration Status Good

In this example, Samantha's registration dates are during open enrollment even though she is a continuing student in Good Standing as she does not have a Student Education Plan (SEP) and is therefore not fully matriculated. You cannot determine this via WebAdvisor.

If you do not know if you have a current SEP on record, call Admissions at 559-443-8604.

Important: Please check your exact registration date before attempting to register.

Student Status

Full-Time: You are considered a full-time student if you will complete 12 or more units within the same semester. Full-time students who do not have any academic restrictions imposed by Counseling may register for a total of 18 units within the same semester without special permission. With Counseling written approval, full-time students may register for an absolute maximum of 21 units. Registration for more than 18 units or registration for any units when a student is on academic restriction must be done in person at the Admissions and Records counter, and the student must have the signed permission from the Counselor with them.

Part-Time: You are considered a part-time student if you will complete less than 12 units within the same semester. Part-time students can be further classified as follows:

  • 3/4 Time - at least 9 units, but less than 12 units
  • 1/2 Time - at least 6 units, but less than 9 units
  • 1/4 Time - at least 3 units, but less than 6 units

You may request a verification of your enrolled units by submitting an Enrollment Verification form.